One fundamental factor in your network marketing business is that not all of your team members are in it for the long haul. As a matter of fact, a good number of those that you sponsor will last anywhere from a few months to under a year.
There are a variety of reasons for this parting of the ways: this network marketing divorce. But one of the primary causes for your representative to lose interest is that he/she is not making any money. They keep spending and spending and to their dismay their faith dwindles as they begin giving their business less and less of their effort.
In time they stop their autoship orders to conserve on spending.
Not being able to blame themselves, they turn around and blame you, your company and/or your product or service. But most of the blame is directed at you, their sponsor for getting them involved in the business in the first place.
After all, you were the one who presented the opportunity to them as a slam dunk money maker so easy that anyone can do it...even a caveman.
And now, your phone calls and emails are not returned.
It is unfortunate that your rep has quit but you have to stop trying to breathe life into someone who has given up completely. Your energy should be directed to other team members who are working the business.
Do not dwell on what you could have done differently. Should you have toned down the excitement of the presentation? Should you have stressed that the business was hard work? Should you have punched up the fact that rejection is a major part of network marketing?
For the sake of your organization, you have to move on. Maintain an attitude of "it is what it is".
You have seen to it that the person was fully trained. I am sure that you were there to answer any questions and give advice whenneeded. Accept the fact that 97% of network marketers make $10 or less per week...with only 3% earning more than that. To be a part of the 3% takes a lot of work. Just as it takes a lot of work to operate and succeed at running a traditional business.
Learn How to Dunk a BasketballIf you're not over six feet tall, you can still learn how to dunk a basketball. Look at Earl Boykins - at 5'-5" tall, he's the second shortest player in the NBA (after Muggsey Bogues at 5'-3") and the lightest at 133 pounds. And, Earl Boykins can dunk a basketball. So,In Fashion Store, height isn't absolutely critical for dunking success, although it sure can help. But,Cheap Designer Clothing, height isn't necessary.
So, how does Earl Boykins and other basketball players who may not be over six feet tall slam dunk the ball? They have mastered the vertical jump - plain and simple. If you're wanting to learn how to dunk a basketball, you too can learn what it takes for that leap into the air. To help you get started,Online Shoes Sale, here are some tips that I've learned over the years that have improved my dunking skills.
Plyometric Exercise
Have you heard about plyometric exercise? Plyometrics essentially bridge the gap between speed and strength training. They include sport-specific training and trains the muscles, connective tissues and nervous system to perform the stretch-shortening cycle. What exactly can plyometrics do to help you dunk a basketball? They can help train your muscles not only in strength, but in a reduced reaction time as well. And, this reaction time is critical for a great vertical jump.
Exercise Those Calf Muscles
Calf muscles provide a critical level of strength and balance when jumping. Granted, the larger muscle groups in the legs do provide the majority of strength, but great calves can give a few extra inches of height. Another thought on calf muscles, when sprinting down the court to set up for the slam dunk,Replica Fashion Store, these muscles provide the "dig" to accelerate. If you don't have the speed, you'll never make the dunk - that's a fact.
Practice Those Squats
To build up the strength and "spring" in your jump, squat exercises are key. You may have a great reaction time, but if the large muscles (quadriceps) in your legs aren't super-strong, your jumps won't amount to "squat." You don't need any special equipment to do a proper squat, just keep your back straight and slowly bend at the knees. You want to go down at least until your thighs are parallel to the ground - then go back up again. You may keep your hands in front of your body for balance. Do this exercise for 8 - 12 reps, 3 sets, every other day.
Of course, there are many different exercises to help you fully develop your slam dunk. But these tips are a good basis for starting your conditioning. The main things to remember - no matter what program you choose to help you jump higher, you must make it a regular part of your life. Practice, practice and then more practice. Then, you'll begin to see great improvement in your basketball slam dunk.
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